A partir du 2 mai 2022, la France ne mange que du poisson importé.


Reis 50 % teurer.

21.09.21: 0.99 € http://web.archive.org/web/20210921104719/https://filiale.kaufland.de/sortiment/das-sortiment/detail.spitzen-langkorn-reis-1kg.article_id%3D04000301.html.

24.03.22: 1,19 € https://filiale.kaufland.de/sortiment/das-sortiment/detail.spitzen-langkorn-reis-1kg.article_id=04000301.html.

24.09.22: 1,49 € https://web.archive.org/web/20220924190718/http://web.archive.org/screenshot/https://filiale.kaufland.de/sortiment/das-sortiment/detail.spitzen-langkorn-reis-1kg.article_id%3D04000301.html.

Ethylen ausscheidende Früchte.

gartenakademie.rlp.de/OpenDocument/ Quelle: Institut für Chemie und Biologie (ICB) in der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung (BFE), Karlsruhe.

Alles über Rosmarin.


Todeskandidat Manfred Hermann.

„The need for invasive mechanical ventila-tion was associated with severe obesity and was independent of age sex, diabetes, and hypertension.“ Obesity | VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2020 .

how lockdown kills.

…. stay-at-home rules limiting activity levels — the lockdown cost of weight gain.Obesity Is a Risk Factor for Severe COVID-19 Infectiong, CIRCULATION, 7 July 2020. USA – Nach dem Lockdown vermehrt Erkrankungen durch RS-Viren, Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 14. Juni 2021.


google Foto beim Schnitt, 18.09. 2019. Foto vor Schnitt.

Essig gesund – aber nicht pur.

Vinegar Mechanisms & Side Effects, 2016.
Deutsche Übersetzung aktivierbar.

Lose weight without hunger.

greater weight loss at 6 and 12 months than any other trial that does not limit energy intake or mandate regular exercise. The BROAD study: A randomised controlled trial using a whole food plant-based diet in the community for obesity, ischaemic heart disease or diabetes, Wright, N., Wilson, L., Smith, M. et al. . Nutr & Diabetes 7, e256 (2017).

ATTILA HILDMANN brutal verhaftet.

FESTNAHME, YouTube, 23.05.2020.